1Putting people back to work (Employment/ Self- employment)- Intrastate, Inter- state & Internationally
2Smart Phygital Platform- Automated, Intuitive, Digital Ecosystem supported by dedicated & service- oriented field force
- Organising the most unorganized system
- Making transparent the most opaque- exploited contractor- worker relationship
- Meeting demand of skills needs of corporates & Governments by facilitating Skills Development and Employment of workers
3Making Government policies and norms simple & easy to understand for migrants and helping them benefit from it
4Supporting Government and corporates in developing and effectively executing its welfare-oriented policies for migrants by:
- Clarity and adequacy of information
- Intelligence and insight
- Leveraging data science, engineering and artificial intelligence
5Goal: To onboard 160 million internal migrants and 17 million international migrants in our database. Be MoSahay (My Help) for them and their 850 million family members
6We need and will have in our team:
- 10000 volunteers (feet on street)
- 1000 employees
- 100 scientists, engineers, multidisciplinary experts (Computer Scientists, Health Scientists, Economists, Management Experts, Regulatory/ Legal Experts)